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Benoni (Ben) Haran
The Restorer of Paths to Dwell

AbbA Israelites

I’m Benoni (Ben) Haran, your enthusiastic Restorer of Paths to Dwell and proud AbbA Israelite, part of God's amazing family! As a watchman, I'm dedicated to writing, warning, seeking, uniting, and welcoming true believers into the fold of one God. Dive into the inspiring Adoption of AbbA Israelites messages that empower to live long lives filled with faith, righteousness, peace, patience, and charity. Together, let’s reclaim our promised inheritance and thrive on Earth, both now and beyond the Gentiles' rule! The Kingdom of Heaven is right at our fingertips, so let’s embrace our identity as Adopted AbbA Israelites, guardians of Earth, nurturing it as Zion and banishing evil wherever it lurks. Join us in heartfelt prayers and cries to AbbA Father, and unlock the incredible gifts of the Seven Spirits, so we can experience the Fruits of Spirit and live vibrant lives for generations to come!

                                                                                   Ben Haran - The Restorer of Paths to Dwell.

                                                                                                          Isaiah 58:1+2;11-14


My purpose of creating the Adoption of AbbA Israelites is to rebuke evil in you and in high places. To keep Earth recycling so we, the Father's Israelites can live on Earth, in the flesh, until our average is 120 years. Then continue living in our inherited land, generation after generation, with God (AbbA Father) in our hearts, by burying the Devil. Keeping united as the people of today's world, until AbbA (God) comes and transforms (resurrects) us into eternal life in spirit.                                     Matthew 12:28

Our Mission


Your mission as an Adopted AbbA Israelite is to restore the Sabbath and Feast days, by honouring the Ten Commandments as God directed. Unite with believers in one God as one world family, lead by Elder Leaders under the name of God, the Father of all, AbbA Father. AbbA Israelites, God's people, plan to return from to the land promised to our forefathers, to create Zion. Along the way from where you were scattered, the lost tribe of Israel shall restore flesh on their bones, and establish a place for AbbA Father to live with us. Crossover and overcome to live in the Garden of Eden without the Devil.​

                                         Ezekiel 37:1-14


Our direction of paths to dwell to unite the whole world under one God is to read the Bible as a guide for (KUW), Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom. By crying and praying, being righteous and repenting, forgiving and caring, joining and participating, you will be granted eternal inheritance and eternal life. You'll know because the bible told you so. Therefore say "Our Father..."                               Matthew 6:9-14.

Read the series of The Adoption of AbbA Israelites:

P - Paths to Dwell;         A - Adoption;            G - God's Plan;         E - Gods of Earth;       S - Shield of Faith 

Ben Haran - The Restorer of Paths to Dwell.

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